Take a new way home

Take a new way home

Take a new way home

Take a new way home

Markets are turbulent. Stocks are down. Oil price is up. Wheat and coin prices are going crazy.

In these crazy times, I received a piece of underrated advice.

Take a new way home.

We live in loops. A tiny change in your environment can be a huge change in perspective.

If you’re stuck repeating the same day, over and over, you’re going to have the same thoughts, over and over.

A simple decision like taking a different route to a frequently visited destination can shake things up and make a difference.

Simplify to amplify.

Here’s an illustration to spark your intellectual curiosity this week.

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." — Theodore Roosevelt

date published

Mar 7, 2022

reading time

2 min

Markets are turbulent. Stocks are down. Oil price is up. Wheat and coin prices are going crazy.

In these crazy times, I received a piece of underrated advice.

Take a new way home.

We live in loops. A tiny change in your environment can be a huge change in perspective.

If you’re stuck repeating the same day, over and over, you’re going to have the same thoughts, over and over.

A simple decision like taking a different route to a frequently visited destination can shake things up and make a difference.

Simplify to amplify.

Here’s an illustration to spark your intellectual curiosity this week.

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." — Theodore Roosevelt

date published

Mar 7, 2022

reading time

2 min

Markets are turbulent. Stocks are down. Oil price is up. Wheat and coin prices are going crazy.

In these crazy times, I received a piece of underrated advice.

Take a new way home.

We live in loops. A tiny change in your environment can be a huge change in perspective.

If you’re stuck repeating the same day, over and over, you’re going to have the same thoughts, over and over.

A simple decision like taking a different route to a frequently visited destination can shake things up and make a difference.

Simplify to amplify.

Here’s an illustration to spark your intellectual curiosity this week.

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." — Theodore Roosevelt

date published

Mar 7, 2022

reading time

2 min

Markets are turbulent. Stocks are down. Oil price is up. Wheat and coin prices are going crazy.

In these crazy times, I received a piece of underrated advice.

Take a new way home.

We live in loops. A tiny change in your environment can be a huge change in perspective.

If you’re stuck repeating the same day, over and over, you’re going to have the same thoughts, over and over.

A simple decision like taking a different route to a frequently visited destination can shake things up and make a difference.

Simplify to amplify.

Here’s an illustration to spark your intellectual curiosity this week.

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." — Theodore Roosevelt

date published

Mar 7, 2022

reading time

2 min

.say hello

Always open to new opportunities. So come say hello and have a chat about working together ↓

.say hello

Always open to new opportunities. So come say hello and have a chat about working together ↓

.say hello

Always open to new opportunities. So come say hello and have a chat about working together ↓

.say hello

Always open to new opportunities. So come say hello and have a chat about working together ↓